Applications of SHAKTI products

Instructions and places to use the Electromagnetic Stabilizer, aka “the Stone”  

Choose a minimally processed female vocal recording or classical excerpt, that has an easily perceived sound stage of good depth and width. After you have listened several times to a brief section, you can center SHAKTI on top of the audio component. Then begin evaluating its effects by A/B comparisons of SHAKTI on and off your audio components.

Wherever preferred, SHAKTI can be used under or above the host audio device. In some situations additional improvements can result from the use of one SHAKTI unit above and another below the component. Two SHAKTI units on the same horizontal plane, should be placed one inch apart. Be sure, whenever possible to use SHAKTI with the engraved top facing the ceiling. It is not recommended to position SHAKTI on its side, although it will still provide some benefits if space requires that orientation. Keep in mind that the closer you can get SHAKTI to the circuit, the more pronounced the benefits will be. Under the component, even not in contact with the chassis will usually work better than on top because SHAKTI is closer to the circuit.

On pre and power amps, if you know the location of the power transformer, then use that as the starting point for placement of SHAKTI. On other components such as CD players, DACs and  tape decks, begin with the approximate center of the chassis.  Continue to A/B for the optimum placement by moving SHAKTI to different points on the chassis, noting where maximum benefits are obtained. With CD transports, SHAKTI placed directly above or below the location of the spinning CD inside the drawer, will audibly improve resolution.

Phono systems benefit with SHAKTI placement near the turntable motor and/or the cartridge. Separate power supplies and line conditioners will function far better if SHAKTI is placed above or below their chassis. In some instances, SHAKTI can be placed on top or inside loudspeaker cabinets and reveal subtler aspects of the recordings. Bass improvements are audible when used with sub-woofers. Electrostatic and ribbon speakers will  sound clearer with SHAKTI units attached to the tops of their frames and near any transformers.

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Visit our Photo Gallery to see how music loving audiophiles have used SHAKTI products in their systems.

Instructions and places to use On-Lines  

The mid point of all signal carrying cables connected between components has a significant electromagnetic (not mechanical) standing wave. This wave, also called “ringing”, occurs because of the differing impedance’s of the connected components. Left unattenuated, this ringing will ripple up and down the cable. On-Lines attached near the mid point absorb this EMI wave and attenuate the other ripples as well. When using On-Lines, the first recommended point to place them is one per channel at the approximate mid point of the cable run. There is also EMI generated at all the connection points of cables.

In the case of interconnects, after you have one On-Line at the cable’s approximate mid point, you can derive additional benefits by placing an On-Line across the two RCA’s at each end of the cable as shown in the drawing. This will save you the cost of one set of On-Lines were you to place one per channel at this connection point. The On-Lines can sit on top of the RCA’s if they are side by side. If the RCA’s are above and below one another, you can stick the On-Line to them with the enclosed blue tack or the velcro. The mid point of the cable usually produces the single largest benefit and there we don’t recommend tying the two channels together and using one On-Line.

Sketch-3.JPG (54938 bytes)
Drawing illustrates the  positions you can place On-Lines on Interconnects,
or similarly on Speaker Cables


Speaker Cables
Start with one On-Line at the speaker cable’s approximate mid point of each channel. To obtain more benefits, you can straddle one On-Line over the black and red binding posts of each channel at the amplifier and speaker binding posts. The benefits are all cumulative so you can add them gradually over time.

AC Cords
With AC cords you should put one On-Line at the point the cable goes into the component and one at the plug connected to the wall socket.

Other System Places
Experiment with placement of On-Lines throughout your system including video/satellite cables and the connection point of an FM antenna to its receiver. An On-Line blue-tacked to the top of record clamps and near turntable motors will noticeably improve cartridge performance. Potential noise leakage from the phone line nearest your audio system is attenuated by placing an On-Line directly on its cord near the wall phone jack.

Internal Circuit Parts
If you assemble or modify your components, placement of On-Lines directly on DAC chips, capacitors and other critical system parts, including those within speaker crossovers, is very beneficial.

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