Dyno Tests
The following two evaluations were conducted on a Mustang Dynamometer. This is the most sophisticated dynometer available and one of the very few capable of examining the all important 0 to 60 times.
Customer perception during beta testing of SHAKTI units was filled with testimonials that the improvement felt much greater than the measured 2 to 3 horsepower dyno runs showed. We undertook these 0 to 60 tests to solve this mystery. Maximum horsepower readings don’t tell the whole story. In today’s modern car technology, from the beginning of the chain of events when you push on the gas pedal (no longer purely a mechanical process), to the precise computations needed to optimize fuel and timing, a major factor in total performance is electrical signal transfer. Any delays or glitches along this delicate path will slow acceleration regardless of top speed horsepower. SHAKTI’s patented EMI reduction technology produces its most noticeable benefits throughout the power range of acceleration because it improves the signal transfer process in todays complex engines.
The tests below clearly indicate that the addition of On-Lines at important signal transfer junctions can produce faster 0 to 60 times. The technician running these tests said that the almost four tenths of a second faster time would usually cost between $2000 and $3000 in engine modifications. The eight SHAKTI units used on the test car cost only $400 retail. Make note that at the 50 mph point in the test the horsepower was identical and yet the time significantly faster for the run that included SHAKTI On-Lines.
The following dyno tests were done at ADRENALIN MOTORSPORT in Auburn, Masachusettes. Their dyno is made by DYNO DYNAMICS. It’s a 4 wheel load dyno that costs $150,000 and is considered by many to be the highest resolution device of its kind in the world. The test car was a stock 2001 GTI 1.8L VW Golf Turbo. The baseline run measured 115 hp. The owners of this shop then placed one SHAKTI On-Line on each of the four Ignition Coils of the Golf. The dyno test showed an increase to 118 horsepower.
Oscilloscope Testing The oscilloscope analysis was performed by a senior test engineer who specializes in electrical and fuel injection system development and trouble shooting for a major auto maker. He writes all their tech manuals and bulletins. The industry is well aware of problems associated with self generated and external field interferences that occur in modern car electrical systems. In some instances, just driving in near proximity to airport radar systems can cause significant loss of performance in even the best designed and insulated electrical modules. This engineer states that even engine crank shafts can be a source of spurious electrical noise. Stronger interfering sources are spark plugs and wiring, alternators, coils and the digital circuits in ECUs and PCMs.
He placed SHAKTI devices on the O2 Sensor and Alternator of a 1999 model car and examined cycle speed changes with them on and off. The O2 sensor ground was back probed and a probe placed on the O2 sensor signal circuit.
As the photo shows, cycle speed increased 25% with the SHAKTI units in place. Adaptive memory shift was 6% positive when the cycle speed became faster. By increasing cycling speed the ECU is able to see more information faster. This translates to a more efficiently running engine. In the automotive world torque gets you started and horsepower keeps you going. Increase efficiency and you make maximum use of available power. Selective use of SHAKTI devices on ECUs, coils, alternators and in some instances the sensors themselves, can make a discernable improvement in engine performance.
This dyno graph shows an increase of 2.7 horsepower at the rear wheels when one SHAKTI Electromagnetic Stabilizer Stone was placed directly on top of the Engine Control Module (ECU) in a stock 2000 Pontiac Trans Am.

This dyno graph shows an increase of 2.8 horsepower at the rear wheels when two (2) SHAKTI On-Lines were placed directly on top of the Engine Control Module (ECU) in a stock 2000 Pontiac Trans Am.